So I'm here to tell people about God. Sounds holy, I know. But Jesus is coming, whether we like it or not, so I thought I should help in pushing the people in. [To heaven, I mean]
Sigh. Okay, so that is as fast a summary I could gather.
And Lajeado is 2 hours from Porto Alegre, and Porto Alegre is a domestic flight aways from São Paulo. So yeah, I'm.. deep in the country atm.
Okay okay, good things, good things!
I have disciples! :D [No, not the 'kungfu' kind. The Jesus kind, lol] And finally, visitations are becoming more normal.
I got to rest more too, as a result, lol. And I have some awesome pictures to show y'all but yeah. 13% now. -__-
Anyway! I will do something better next week. [No promises this time] [because I notice that every time I promise, I don't do it] [And when I don't, I do]
[No judgement, please. Lol]
Oh! And I got to move to a new room. Ha, been awesome since. [New roommate, new everything!]
Hopefully, it stays that way. Who knows?
Soooo. If you're looking for a good Youtube series to watch, go for VGHS.
But if you aren't/weren't a gamer, then you probably wouldn't understand it.
Just sayin'.
On a sidenote, I remember a short section on a local newspaper some time back home. It said. [Or something like that]
「THE JOY OF LIFE Long lost son is finally reunited Slumdog millionaire finally has a new home Old couple wins $500,000 Tom Cruise buys a $200,000 bracelet for daughter, Suri 」
...Yeah. The joys of life. Right.
Signing off @ 12:30 PM
Monday, May 14, 2012
It is becoming increasingly frequent, this thought that comes like a thief, which is followed by a deep sigh:
Why is it so hard to live with humans?
Okay, extremely depressing.
I promise to post something cheerful next week!
Signing off @ 1:21 PM
Monday, May 7, 2012
Watch this!
Hopefully, it will make you laugh as I did,
and see you next week! :)
Oh, and every time someone asks me, if that is a guitar on my back, I feel very much like replying:
Credits to
Oh, no. Of course not. It's a Bazooka. Which I will use to blow you off the face of the earth. What else did you think it would be?? -___-
Signing off @ 3:22 PM
The Girl
About me
I think I'm supposed to write something awesome here.