What is the Passover?
Well, the world will probably know that as Easter.
As you can see from the pictures,
even if the shop is totally unrelated to candy, Christianity or even rabbits and eggs,
there is something about Easter. ..Or at least what they think it is.
Shoe shop..
Clothes shop..
Arts and CraftsYeah.So almost every shop has a bunny in it. Sometimes, eggs.Sometimes, ...carrots.Yeah.They totally missed out on the whole point of Easter.Why do we have rabbits and eggs?Well, I was told that in the northern hemisphere,[North America, Europe, those areas]the rabbit symbolizes the coming of spring,since it's a spring animal.The egg represents new life.Carrots don't represent anything. LolBut that's not the point!To clear up something,Passover isn't really Easter...Passover represents the time when the angel of Death swept through Egypt to smite the Egyptians' first borns.The Israelites were spared only if they swiped the blood of a lamb [or goat] over their doorposts.[For more information, read Exodus 12]So it makes sense to call it the Passover, since the angel of Death passed them over.On a sidenote,I know it sounds un-scary and a load of fairytale rubbish,but believe me, angels can be scary.[True story]My team and I evangelize every day in Lajeado.[Evangelize = tell people about God and how awesome He is]We were at this park one day,and we were talking to one of our friends [a local],[so this is the second time we really talked to her]she said: Er.. So where is that tall Chinese man from the other day?us: Huh? Chinese man?We looked at the two men in our team.One's Brazilian, so he's out. [Not that tall, anyway]The other's Chinese, but waaaay short.us: Huh? -.- What Chinese man?she: I saw him with everyone the other day. He is much, much taller than everyone.So apparently, he was very, very tall.Probably of Yao Ming proportions, or more.But we didn't see him at all.
I believe that he's an angel,
walking with us and protecting us! :)
[There have been testimonies about angels walking with Christians many times before.]
[And I'm unsure if he's Chinese, but definitely Asian, lol]
And if I were an Israelite in Exodus 12,
in the home waiting for the angel of Death to pass by,
I would be scared shitless. -.-
Pardon me, but it's true!
In a snap, my brother or first born could be taken away just like that!
Ok, back to the main topic at hand.
Jesus died for us!!
And then rose from the dead 3 days later.
Dude, someone just went to hell and back for you.
And his name is not _____.
[Insert name of boyfriend/girlfriend here]
[Dear Satanists, it's not Satan either.]
I can vouch with all my heart and life that Jesus exists.
How? You say.
Heh. Because of the miracles He did in my life.
He saved my very own life,
my dog,
many people I know,
healed and protected everyone around me.
And as I watch everything unfold,
how can I not say that He does not exist?
That the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob still lives today!
I was reading Matthew 12 today,
and I'm looking at the Pharisees.
They witnessed the miracles right in front of their very eyes,
and yet, refused to believe.
It is quite unfathomable.
That is why,
don't wait till something happens to you today,
that you cannot solve on your own.
[Or loansharks either. Lol]
Receive Jesus into your heart today!
For when He starts His good work in you,
you'll be like wtw!! He is so awesome!
[Wtw = what the whale, or que baleia! ]