Bom dia!
Como voce vai?Aceita minhas desculpas, por favor!!
Pardon me, if the sentence structure is horrible, haha]
How are you guys doin'?
I have missed you!
Not one day do I forget about y'all,
and the guilt that I've not written so much. .____.
So thanks, guys.
For the unintended guilt, but guilt, nonetheless.
Haha :)
It feels good to be writing in English.
So I am currently in Brazil,
Lajeado of Rio Grande Do Sul,
to be exact.
Ever since I've been here,
we've checked into a hotel,
Still here]
Been here for a week now]
But time passes so slowly here, it feels like two]
and walked around town,
it's.. A town.]
Which always fascinates me]
Because there isn't any country in my country, get it?]
Haha, my country = just a city .___. terrible, but anyway]
So we've been looking for a house,
and I've been hoping for a HOUSE,
since Brazil's huge, right?
But our budget only allows us apartments,
and after searching every day,
I thought home hunting back home was tough with a car]
Imagine, we don't have a car now! We take Tram 11. :) ]
we finally found one which is in a nice neighbourhood,
near town and lovely.
So we're still trying to figure out the admin stuff atm,
and now, I shall proceed to what training was like.
We get up at 5 am,
and have physical training at 5.15.
Below, is the huge classroom turned bedroom for eight at twilight.
The early sleepers are here.
The late night party animals sleep here.Guess where is mine? Haha
We then have devotion,
and head for breakfast,
which, of course, needs to be prepared.
Since we were living with another team going to Santa Catarina,
that's ALOT of food to prepare. .__.
But we take turns.
Which also explains why there's eight females.]
Because my team has 5 females, 1 child and 2 males.]
OH. Backtrack, backtrack!Right outside of my bedroom's this lonnng corridor.
Yeah, just wanted to show it to you.
Okay, NEXT!
This is where we have our meals.
Like a canteen, I know. Q___Q
Ah, school. Good ole' days. Talvez.

This is where we usually hang out,
for language lessons, meetings, free time in between classes.
We have like, a four hour class in the morning, and some other stuff in the afternoon.
Some other stuff include:
Doing chores for the church
felt like a Buckingham palace maid after washing and polishing four levels of staircases]
doing chores for the church's office .__.
But I love things like that, so don't get me wrong, haha]
evangelism, stuff like that.
after a long day,
we head to the bathroom to wash up.
And guess what?
One of the perks in living in that church building.
We have several]
So washing up's always been good.
∴ Training hasn't been as tough as everyone says it is,
and as I've mentioned before.
The hardest part is living with people.
But my team's cool,
and they're understanding,
and I appreciate that, the most.
There's always been more than enough food,
[Everyone said that we would starve]
[Ok, so it was in between the lines]
[*rolls eyes* Details, details]
and hygiene was pretty ok too.
[Yes, I am a freak about hygiene]
[But also, Yes, my room's pretty messy]
[Hey, I only accept my own bacteria, ok?]
And above,
we have the display a friend of mine made for Missions Month.